Privacy Policy

AustraliaFollowers maintains a stringent yet transparent policy to safeguard the privacy of our users. We are committed to protecting all personal information and user data collected, stored, and processed through our service. This policy aims to provide individuals with insight into how we handle their personal information, the reasons behind it, and instances when we may disclose such information to others. Additionally, it outlines how users can reach out to us with concerns about their personal information or inquiries regarding our privacy policies and practices.

Data Retention:

Upon purchasing our services, you consent to the retention of any data we receive from your organization. Provided that both parties agree on the completion of your service request, we retain your data indefinitely.

Age Information:

By utilizing our services, you affirm that you are at least 19 years old. In the event that minors have procured our services without parental consent, please promptly notify our support team.

How AustraliaFollowers Obtains Your Data

AustraliaFollowers does not gather personal information such as names, addresses, or email IDs. However, we may request your email address during the purchase process to update you on your order status. Apart from this, we do not collect or share your data with any third parties.

Use of Information

AustraliaFollowers utilizes your order-processing information, special discount offers, and order tracking to enhance our customer service and user experience on our site.

Disclosure of Your Data

We understand the importance of safeguarding your data, which is why we take measures to ensure its security and privacy. The information provided is utilized to comprehend your requirements and enhance our service’s utility. Your data remains confidential and is not shared with third parties, retained only for necessary durations.

Use of Cookies

This website utilizes cookies and other tracking technologies to analyze visitor usage patterns, aiding in the enhancement of website experiences. These cookies may appear as ‘tracking’ or ‘analytics’ cookies in your browser, such as ‘Google Analytics,’ ‘Adobe Analytics,’ ‘HotJar,’ or ‘MixPanel

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